"Just thought I'd let you know that my presentation could not have gone any better yesterday. I had no nervous energy what so ever and was completely relaxed before and during my presentation. I started loud and clear and during my intro made a joke that had everyone laughing. I walked around and used hand gestures as I spoke. I even mingled and started conversation with different advisers during the break. All of this is exactly what I had visualised. I was definitely that 10. So thanks heaps."
"I have known Meredith for a few months now during my hypnotherapy training journey. I find her to be very generous in sharing her experiences and genuine in her desire to see us all succeed. She is authentic and direct, illustrating her teachings with personal experience and stories. Meredith is excellent at explaining and demonstrating hypnotherapy techniques and I find her an engaging presenter. It is very reassuring – and inspiring - having such an experienced practitioner as a teacher and mentor"
Quit smoking
"I came to Meredith to stop smoking - and ended up with so much more. Smoking was a big deal in my life, and with Meredith's help being able to stop smoking turned out to be easy. What Meredith also gave me was happiness - the indescribable happiness of good things happening every day, no matter what!" My genuine thanks to you. The change in my attitude and happiness levels have been very noticeable to my workmates, and I find myself smiling - just because!
Feedback from the Manifest your Dreams one day workshop
Feedback from the Manifest your Dreams one day workshop
"Time spent with Meredith ensures that I focus and grow as a person, concentrating on areas of my life that need attention. Thanks for providing the tools and support to help me continue on my journey"
Attended a workshop
"Meeting Meredith enlightened a wonderful desire to learn and become confident in doing so. Her pool of knowledge about our mysterious yet fascinating beings allowed me to prosper, land and balance all in the safety and security of her humble work space.
I would highly recommended her to anyone wishing to embark on a beautiful journey to connect mind body & spirit."
Spots goals
'Well I did finish my marathon and did it in 4 hours and 24 minutes which I was extremely happy with!
It was '4 something' as we had talked about planned during our hypnotherapy sessions. : ) Positive self-talk is what kept me going. There were times I had to keep saying 'yes' to myself with every step as the marathon became more and more challenging - the weather turned hotter and the course became hillier in the second half of the race. I think it was 98% percent my positive self talk on the day that got me through! Thank you very much for everything!!
Feeling positive
" I had felt as if I was just going through the motions of life without really living. I was waiting for 'something' that would feel like I was 'living.' From your sessions I realise I am living and just by taking the time to acknowledge myself and the world around me in a positive way I get to feel the experience of now rather than living for that elusive 'something.'
'The hypnotherapy sessions you did with me last year were very helpful. I ended up getting a first class honors for my degree and I feel like without your help I couldn't have done it. Thanks again.'
Kim Dobson
Quit smoking success
'Meredith helped me through the process of becoming smoke free and I've been smoke free for a little under a year now. I'd tried various methods over the years but hypnotherapy has been successful. I wasn't sure what to expect but Meredith made me feel relaxed and comfortable talking me through every step. She help me retraining my mind to kick a habit of 10 years. I'd recommend her to anyone if they were ready to quit smoking. Can't believe it's almost a year!! Thanks again for you help.'
Public speaking
'Just thought I'd let you know that my presentation could not have gone any better yesterday. I had no nervous energy what so ever and was completely relaxed before and during my presentation. I started loud and clear and during my intro made a joke that had everyone laughing. I walked around and used hand gestures as I spoke. I even mingled and started conversation with different advisers during the break. All of this is exactly what I had visualised. I was definitely that 10. So thanks heaps.'
Quit Smoking techniques
'I want to send you all my special thanks for your help in aiding me to become a non smoker. After a few failed attempts over the years and a relapse after 2 years of not smoking I feel confident that I am now a non smoker for life. Your approach, techniques and tools worked so well for me, especially the recording of each session which gave me the added support during those weaker moments in-between sessions.
Your passion for helping people in so many different ways is truly inspirational, I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with you and will recommend you to all my friends, you're one in a million, thank you so much.'
Weight loss
'I've spent a vary large portion of my life in a roller coaster attempt to loose weight due to a weakness for food, and before I saw Meredith, it was consuming me. She helped me to re-focus my mind and my life with positive 'reference points', taking my attention away from destructive eating habits and re-focusing it on what is important in my life and what makes me happy. Now, not only do I have control over the negative behavior surrounding my eating, but I have more time and energy for the positive activities that are enriching my life. It is a wonderful feeling that can only be explained by experiencing it yourself and I am forever appreciative.'
'Wow! You are an amazing gift to many! Thank you so much for helping me to understand my thoughts, to help me to see my direction in life and to confirm to me my values that drive me. You have brought much clarity to my life and have helped me through some challenging times. Meditating is so much easier now that I can be guided through it with your voice. The experiences I have had with this have been very empowering. I am truly grateful. Thank You!'Sarona Hawkins
Awesome weekend
'Thanks so much for an awesome weekend everything was done well. Meredith I could listen to you all day. I will take steps to achieve the techniques that you have taught, and I know I will come again.'
Mary Hiroki
Inspiring weekend
'What a wonderful inspiring weekend Meredith. Thanks for all your stories- they are helpful. Now I will learn all the meditation techniques you have taught and learn to remain calm.'
Katie Krivan
My spiritual journey
'Thank you for a second opportunity to join a retreat at Raumati. I was delighted to have another opportunity to meet some awesome people, I have the privilege to share experiences as well as re connect with Meredith and Paula to learn some more skills to use on my spiritual journey.'Joan Robertshawe
Wisdom and knowledge
'Many , many thanks, I have enjoyed the weekend, keep up the good work, touch many souls, help others to find there self, may your wisdom, and knowledge fill the world, so one day many will know of you and speak of your great work Love and light.'
Sue Nicholson
Unique and inspirational
'Thank you so much Meredith for this beautiful peaceful and calming time you helped me experience your way of seeing meditation and teaching it is so unique and inspirational. I am so looking forward to keeping in touch. Love and Peace to you always.'Juanita.
Feedback from the Manifest your Dreams one day workshop
"Thank's for an inspiring day Meredith I feel excited about what you taught and the way it opens eyes to the wonderful opportunities and experiences available to us if we know how to tap into them."
Feedback from the Manifest your Dreams one day workshop
"The course far exceeded my initial thoughts on the practicality front. I'm better equipped to plan goals in all aspects of my life now."
Castle point this weekend
'Thank you for the opportunity to join the group at Castle point this weekend. I found it a very enriching experience which fed my soul. The balance of teaching, sharing, reflecting, nourishing mind/ body/ soul and resting was in line with my hope for the time away.'
Corporate Clients
Ed Lester
The Art of Optimism Ltd
Meredith has been a first class trainer for our school. She brings a wealth of experience, passion and kindness to her work. Her impact on others is extremely powerful and nurturing.
Meredith also has very strong business skills and manages to combine this wonderfully with a healing and empowering mindset.
We would recommend Meredith unreservedly as a brilliant trainer, facilitator and mentor.
Les Mills Hutt City and Wellington is a state of the art facility filled with equipment and programs to deliver a-m-a-z-i-n-g fitness experiences.

I saw a hypnotherapist to help me stop blushing

Written by Angela Barnett 05:00, Jun 05 2022 and published on Stuff 'republished here with the author's permission'
Angela Barnett has always been self-conscious of her “beet cheeks”.
Angela Barnett hails from Taradale and her tÅ«rangawaewae is Piha. She’s a writer, body image activist, mother, and lover of wigs.
OPINION: Last week I saw a social media post declaring that blushing was adorable.
Pffft. Blushing is only adorable in children, because when an adult's face turns into a giant, ripe tomato it shouts: “I’m unsure about this situation!” which is not helpful unless you’re facing crocodiles. In a social situation, it’s well, embarrassing.
In high school, I blushed so hard one day in assembly some boys bestowed me with the nickname “Beet cheeks”. That’s a good title for a vegan porn star, but not for a 15-year-old girl desperately trying to be cool.
During my 20s, I struggled to lie without blushing, which was difficult when I worked in an advertising agency. Like roulette, I never knew when my cheeks would land on red, especially when everyone was staring at me.
If only I could have quipped, “Excuse my face; it’s a sign of profound thinking!” or “I’m in circulation training for old age!”
But when all the blood has rushed to the capillaries in the face, it seems to leave the brain momentarily, as no good lines appear, just one reoccurring thought: “Face, are you listening? Do not go red, puhlease!” This line is about as helpful as telling yourself to stop worrying.
According to research, the redness is never as bad as we blushers imagine. But I asked one of my close friends how obvious mine was, and she pinched her cheeks. “Scarlet!” she said, followed by “rashy”.
Rather obvious then.
For Angela Barnett, being “vulnerable in the cheeks” means “showing everyone how awkward and uncomfortable you’re really feeling”.
I know being vulnerable is the popular new emotion, and Brené Brown’s groundbreaking work on the importance of vulnerability is changing power structures everywhere, but being vulnerable in the cheeks–showing everyone how awkward and uncomfortable you’re really feeling–is about as much fun as going to work naked.
It feels out of your control. A few headlines say blushing “is good for you” because we’re seen as trustworthy and blushers are found to be “better romantic partners because people who are easily embarrassed are more monogamous”.
But that’s because blushers are lousy liars, which is why you never see blushing politicians.
After having children, my blushing got worse. If I was in a social situation my heart would race at the thought of telling a story, and then, often, when I attempted one, my face burned so violently I couldn’t get the end of the story out.
Then I saw a guy in a supermarket who used to have a crush on me– more than 20 years ago–and I blushed profusely when I saw him in the distance, just at the thought of talking to him. As he headed my way, I hid down the crackers aisle. Baffled, I felt like my unreliable face was falsely advertising feelings I didn’t have, had never had.
Blushing is not for the faint-hearted; you have to be tough to survive.
As Stephen Fry said once, “Self-consciousness... I keep seeing myself. Me watching myself watching others watch me. How do you lose that? What's the trick?”
A new mother doesn't need more reasons to stay at home, so I consulted Dr Google. There I discovered that, unlike skin conditions such as rosacea or psoriasis, my blushing was in my mind. Subconsciously, my mind was telling my capillaries to burst open without my permission.
Sceptical yet determined, I marched off to hypnotherapy. Two sessions, four decades of emotional baggage in tears, and a reboot were all that was required. By questioning the story I told myself about my blushing: it doesn’t make me weak, and actually, it doesn’t serve me, it was radically reduced. It was the best $240* I have ever spent.
This story is not about releasing another weird secret of mine into the world–and us blushers are fooling ourselves thinking our blushing is a secret–but highlighting the question all philosophy students face: how are our minds and bodies connected?
For years I thought they were separate, one doing nasty things to the other without my consent, but they’re not. Me, I, my conscious state is in charge. And we are all running our own shows.
And I have to say that not blushing makes me feel far more adorable than being Beet Cheeks.